The bovine, caprine and ovine miRNA database

If you make use of the presented data, please cite our article
Bourdon,C., Bardou,P, Aujean,A. et al. RumimiR: a detailed microRNA database focused on ruminant species.
Database (2019) Vol. 2019: article ID baz099; doi: 10.1093/database/baz099.


The RumimiR database contains an exhaustive in-depth description of the microRNAs from the literature for bovine, caprine and ovine species.
It provides the integration of all the pertinent public information about dairy ruminant microRNAs in a unique place.

General statistics

RumimiR database focus on bovine, caprine and ovine species. The last update () provides miRNAs.

explore miRNA

Explore the database by searching on position, source, feature... and export (data, sequence, annotation).


See the list of partners involved in the RumimiR project.

Release history

Download the current or previous RumimiR database release.

Dec2022 - 22348 miRNAs - tsv - fasta - gff
March2021 - 20095 miRNAs - tsv - fasta - gff
Jan2020 - 19847 miRNAs - tsv - fasta - gff
June2019 - 16041 miRNAs - tsv - fasta - gff

General statistics

See below some statistics about RumimiR database (several counts, distribution per species, breed and tissue, ...)
Click on the context button in the top right corner of the each chart to print and/or download
When a legend is available, click on item to show/hide the data series

Last update


Number of miRNA


Related publications


Number of miRNA


Number of miRNA


Number of miRNA


Available boxes below allow you to explore miRNA
Show/hide columns, filter by position and/or by source and/or by feature and export...

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Configure the table below by selecting column name(s)
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'All' columns visible or 'Reset to default'. 'Remove all filters' in the search box.



For the filtered row(s) export...

The data. A fasta file of the miRNA sequence(s). A GFF file of the miRNA.


See below the partners involved in the RumimiR project


French National Research Institute Agriculture Food and Environment


Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology Unit - @INRAE


Genetics Physiology and Breeding Systems Unit - @INRAE


Information System for Livestock Genomes - @INRAE


Investing Innovating Adding value to Ruminant Genomics Research